Hmmp, no much to said.
Watched ''Homecomin". Ok I think. =]
Not so siok with the day as peoples forgot me. =[
So, now just let the pics do the talks. =]
I said eleven la. Zzzz. You know eleven in english? |
I really practic my promise. Nah, eat sie u guys. =] |
I know I know. Sampai his shoulder only. T.T |
=] |
photo with candles? O.o |
So so so pleasure, my majesty. XD |
Ok, its was a trap. |
And I was trapped.@.@ |
Apa tu 手指指? XD |
Apa la? Yor... You never see 贱男 hio? |
Lj, still pranks all over. |
Lj ! Tolong don't kacau. |
Again. ZZzz. But yet the 贱男 so outstandin. Erm. I mean appearance. |
You guys know 独占鳌头? Best words to describe 贱男. =] |
Ok, switchin location.=]
As I said, down there in Starbucks. |
I love You, Starbucks. =] |
Crazt for you too. =] |
No doubt , the blogger. |
Yummy carrot cake. =] |
Peepin from some where. |
Still peepin. =] |
Where is the rest? |
Down in the stomach. =] |
Imma so in love. XD |
Muackss.XD |
Guess whose legs? |
Not mine. XD |
Blur pic make me feel lost. |
Pictures taken in Starbucks. Feel like promotin it. XD
Damn like this pic. Light came from right position. =] |
Si gui leng luii. =] |
Manual frames? Haha. =] |
So sweet huh? XD |
The blogger again. =] |
Different smiles interprate different meanin. =] |
Perhimpunan pretty girls? hahaha.. |
Same bags. Same chair. Same position. Same thin.Same pretty. =] |
This means 圆圆满满? haha.. |
End of the post. Thanks for viewin. =]