2011年1月31日 星期一

ShOut OuT LoUd ; Its CNY @ 1st Reunion a.k.a. schoOl maTes reunion

Hmmp, no much to said.
Watched ''Homecomin". Ok I think. =]
Not so siok with the day as peoples forgot me. =[
So, now just let the pics do the talks. =]

I said eleven la. Zzzz. You know eleven in english?

I really practic my promise. Nah, eat sie u guys. =]

I know I know. Sampai his shoulder only. T.T

photo with candles? O.o

So so so pleasure, my majesty. XD

Ok, its was a trap.

And I was trapped.@.@
Apa tu 手指指? XD

Apa la? Yor... You never see 贱男 hio?

Lj, still pranks all over.

Lj ! Tolong don't kacau.

Again. ZZzz. But yet the 贱男 so outstandin. Erm. I mean appearance.

You guys know 独占鳌头? Best words to describe 贱男. =]

Ok, switchin location.=]
As I said, down there in Starbucks.

I love You, Starbucks. =]

Crazt for you too. =]

No doubt , the blogger.

Yummy carrot cake. =]
Peepin from some where.

Still peepin. =]

Where is the rest?

Down in the stomach. =]
Imma so in love. XD
Guess whose legs?
Not mine. XD
Blur pic make me feel lost.
Pictures taken in Starbucks. Feel like promotin it. XD

Damn like this pic. Light came from right position. =]

Si gui leng luii. =]

Manual frames? Haha. =]

So sweet huh? XD

The blogger again. =]

Different smiles interprate different meanin. =]
Perhimpunan pretty girls? hahaha..

Same bags. Same chair. Same position. Same thin.Same pretty. =]
This means 圆圆满满? haha..
End of the post. Thanks for viewin. =] 

